Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Captions to Follow

To Tide You Over...

I'm going to Kentucky in a couple hours, so I won't be able to blog until I get back. In the mean time, here are some photos to pacify the out of town family who has been clamoring for them:

I took my first bath in the big tub yesterday!

Thatcher joined me!

It was a lot of fun...until he started pouring water all over my head (and then the bathroom floor, but that's another story altogether).
Bed Head

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Caboose

Here I am with one of my many potty charts. I got "Tah-as Ickers" (Thomas Stickers) every time I went on the potty; but I mastered it so quickly that mommy eventually had to ditch that idea. I could wallpaper my room in potty-earned stickers.

Check out my big-boy pants (and my sticker chart). I am still seriously proud of those "Tah-as Ickers."
That train has been riding my butt all day.

Bon Appetit

Urgh. I am SO the second child. I started solids more than a week ago and my lazy typist has barely had time in her schedule to take some dictation for my blog. I'm only six months old. It's not as though I can type myself. Anyway, back to my eating. On 29 July, mommy decided that it was time I expanded my menu beyond breastmilk. Because I have the attention span of a gnat (I only nurse for eight minutes--if mommy is lucky enough for me to go that long), mommy thought I might be interested in other eating vehicles. Frankly, I think she and daddy are just desperately trying anything to get me to sleep through the night. If I hear ONE MORE TIME that Thatcher slept through the night at 10 weeks, I think I'll scream; but I digress. The food was fine. Truthfully, the best part about it initially was just seeing how much of it I can blow/raspberry out onto mommy, my outfit, anything within a two-foot radius. I'm warming up to it, though, which is a good thing because I am just so dang tiny. I don't even weigh 14 lbs. This is seriously problematic. Do you know how many darling outfits that are just waiting for me to hit the 17 lb. mark? Maybe I'll be able to fit into some of my six-month dresses in a month or so....

Much like mommy decades ago, I want to do it myself!

Thatcher keeping me company while he waits for breakfast