Sunday, December 9, 2007

At Long Last, a Thanksgiving Post

I know, I know, it has been a long time since I have written. Mommy put me through a 12-step detox program after spending nine days at Gran and Papa's over Thanksgiving, so this is really the first chance I've had to blog. So much has happened since I last wrote, that I don't even know where to begin. Granddaddy came to visit me right before Thanksgiving, which was really cool. He arrived on a Thursday, which is when mommy and I have MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) at church, and the day started out in a rather bloody mess. Mommy said we needed to leave early for MOPS because it was pouring down rain and traffic would be bad. She started loading things into the Jeep and told me to wait inside for her to come right back to get me. It was just as she said, "Thatcher Davis, don't come down the stairs," that I went head first down the metal stairs in our garage. She caught me on the second (of three) steps, but the damage was already done. I had busted my lip open in three places. There was blood everywhere and I was hysterical. Mommy in a classic "first time parent" move quickly scooped me up...and carried me into the study so she could read in her parenting books how to take care of a busted lip. Geez. After 20 minutes of consolation, counseling, and ice packs, we headed out the door (bloody shirt and all), where we were greeted only seconds later by an eight-point buck sprinting in front of the Jeep! Thankfully, mommy didn't hit it; but I didn't know how much more adventure I could take. All this and a visit from Granddaddy, too...that was a LOT for a little man to take.

Mommy decided to take full advantage of Granddaddy's presence. On Friday morning, we took Winston and W to get a haircut; then the three of us went to breakfast. I finished early--as is my usual habit--so Granddaddy took me for a walk so mommy could finish her meal in peace. Afterwards, we went home and Granddaddy watched me while mommy took a nap. When she finally got up, she showered and got ready for her lunch date while Granddaddy fed and continued to entertain me. While mommy went to lunch, Granddaddy successfully put me down for a nap and even changed my dirty diaper when I woke up. Mommy was amazed, awestruck, and incredibly thankful for the freedom and reclaimed independence she experienced. She thought this was too good to possibly be true. It was only an hour or so after she returned home that she went in my room and found the bottle of "Clorox Disinfecting Wipes" open on my changing table. In a panic, she called out to Granddaddy, "Dad, tell me that you didn't use the Clorox Wipes on Thatcher's bottom" (especially since I was recovering from a SEVERE bout of diaper rash). Granddaddy just started to chuckle because, frankly, there was nothing else he could do. He explained that he thought the "Disinfecting" wipes were especially for me since I had had this infection on my bottom. Clearly, he missed the "Do not use as diaper wipe or for personal cleansing" warning on the label. Thankfully, no harm was done...and Granddaddy now attributes the eventual healing of my rash to Clorox.

The Monday before Thanksgiving, we flew to Atlanta for Thanksgiving. I saw almost all of my family - even Nana and Papa came down from Kentucky to see me - and got to meet Aunt Leslie's kitty cat, Oliver. That was a big hit.

My cousin, Ella Ann, came over to Gran's house and we played together for a couple of days. She even let me kiss her before she left one day. Not even two years old, and I scored my first kiss. How smooth am I? Needless to say, I have a lot to be thankful for...if only I could have added Georgia Tech and Kentucky football wins to that list...

Hanging Out with Ella Ann on the Fireplace

Highlighting my Christmas Must-Haves for Nana

Being Coy with Nanny during the Thanksgiving Madness

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe the Clorox!! I was dying when I read that! I would have died! :) I'm so glad Thatcher and Ella Ann got to spend some time together! Gayla told me how kind your mom was to take such good care of Ella Ann and her crazy eating habits and what wonderful hosts you all were, so thank you!! Hope all is well with you!
