Monday, April 2, 2007

Day at the Park

Mommy took me on a date with her friend's daughter, Elizabeth, today. We all went to the Clemyjontri Park for a picnic and some serious playground action. I have never had so much fun in my whole life!

Here Elizabeth and I are on one of the slides. It was my first sliding experience...and I didn't understand why I couldn't just walk down it.

Studying the a bunch of different languages.

This is a lot bigger than the Fisher Price School Bus I have at home!

Exploring the belly of a train engine - just like Thomas!


  1. Look at Mr. T. He looks sooo handsome!!! I think he was having fun!! :)
    I love you,
    Aunt Leslie

  2. Hi Thatcher! You and Elizabeth looked like you were having sooo much fun at the park! I wish I could have been there. I might have "tried" to go through the belly of the train if my belly would fit.
    I hope you and Mommy are feeling better. Nanny Loves You.
    Love,Hugs and Kisses,Nanny
