Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hoppy Easter

The Easter Bunny came to see me! He brought me an Elmo See-N-Say, a new cell phone, my very first crayons, and a Thomas the Tank Engine. I must have been a really good boy - or he just took pity on me for enduring six weeks of ear infections! After church, we celebrated Easter with the Weber Family. Mrs. Weber made what looked like a great meal, but I was too busy having a "this-is-what-happens-when-I-miss-my-nap" meltdown to eat any of it.

Since then, I've spent a lot of time at the doctor's office. My ear infections still have not gone away, so yesterday the doctor started me a three-day round of rocephin antibiotic shots. It isn't too fun, but mommy let me have pizza for dinner, which made me feel a little better. After today's shot, however, I broke out in hives. Guess I'm allergic to rocephin. I go back on Friday for another follow-up; and I get to go to an ENT specialist next Wednesday to see what he thinks. Good thing mommy and daddy have insurance!


  1. Hi Thatcher! I'm so glad the Easter Bunny was soooo good to you. You deserve it. Nanny is so sorry you are still having those bad ear infections. I hope the shots will clear it up. I'm sure that after all you have been through your Mommy will let you have anything you want to eat! You are a brave little boy.Hope you are well real soon because your Nanny Loves you Soooo Much.
    Hugs and Kisses,Love,Nanny

  2. Thatcher,
    Rochephin, Schmephin! Aunt Sherri knows what will make you feel better. You just take a big ole bite of that Easter Bunny's Chocolate Ears- let him be the one with the hurt ears. Chocolate has been proven to be a miracle cure. Pizza does run a close second though! (as long as it's not that organic stuff!) When they lean over to give you a shot, you just place a strategic kick right at their target area- give them a little tit-for-tat! I love you very much and I hope you feel better soon!

    Aunt Sherri
